Sweatin To The Oldies

  1. Sweatin To The Oldies Streaming
  2. Songs On Sweating To The Oldies
  3. Sweatin To The Oldies Dvd

Richard is a semi-retired American fitness personality. He is one of the first online fitness instructors. Back in the days, he produced some of the most popular fitness DVDs. How much is Richard Simmons net worth?

Sweatin to the oldies number FIVE is so much better than the 1-4 releases. Number five doesn't have the band playing the songs so the music of each chapter is much closer to the original songs. The choreography for each song follows a consistent pattern so. Sweatin' to the Oldies (Video 1988) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. The Sweatin' to the Oldies workout is pure enjoyment. You won't hear any wall-to-wall instructional chatter. But you will hear all of my favorite heart-thumping tunes of the '50s and '60s, tunes.

People know him by his Sweatin’ to the Oldies fitness videos. As a fitness expert and coach, Richard got famous in the 1980s. He marked the 1980s with his personality and looks. As of June 2020, Richard Simmons net worth is more than $20 million.

Richard was among the first aerobics teachers to include people of all sizes in his videotape classes. In the 2010s, he returned to the public. And during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, he got back to his YouTube channel to help people stay fit.

Career Journey

By the age of 19, Simmons weighed 268 pounds. He worked as a model in Italy, performing in more than 100 commercials. Then in 1968, he discovered an anonymous note on the windshield of his car. The note read “Dear Richard: Fat people die young. Please don’t die”. That frightened Simmons and went on an extreme diet. He lost more than 100 pounds in three months.

Within 10 years, he built an empire. Simmons began his career by opening his first gym Slimmons in Beverly Hills, California. Catering to the overweight, he quickly gained popularity through television exposure.

Richard moved to Los Angeles in the 1970s. At the time, he worked in a restaurant in Beverly Hills but quickly developed an interest in fitness.

He then opened his exercise studio called The Anatomy Asylum. There, he put the emphasis on healthy eating in proper portions and enjoyable exercise in a supportive atmosphere. Later, he renamed it to Slimmons. The business originally included a salad bar restaurant. But Simmons closed it to put the whole focus on exercise.

That business worked up until November 2016. Through all those years, the studio served as the place where he taught motivational classes and aerobics.

In 2010, Richard revealed that he helped people shed more than 12 million pounds. That is his contribution to the health of humanity.


Due to the success of his health club, Simmons began to draw media attention. He had guest roles on many shows, including Price is Right, Win, Lose, or Draw, Math Game, and more.

The positive reaction landed him a recurring role on the General Hospital show. He played himself through a period of 4 years.

The more media attention he got, the more he used it. In the 1980s, he had two shows Slim Cookin and The Richard Simmons Show. The latter got him some Emmy Awards.

Simmons appeared in television advertisements for Sprint, Herbal Essence Shampoos, Yoplait, and more. In 2007, he appeared as the conditioning coach in an ESPN commercial, This is Sports Center.

Earnings and Income

Richard Simmons net worth as of June 2020 is more than $20 million. He earned most of the money through his DVDs. And the best thing about his workouts is they are fun. You work out to great oldies music. The moves are easy to learn. Richard smiles all the time and he encourages people in the videos.

Sweatin To The Oldies

Richard released more than 20 DVDs. But the most successful are the Sweatin to the Oldies series. There are five sets of Sweatin’ to the Oldies DVDs. He also has some Disco Sweat, 80s music, 60s music, and other DVDs.

Besides DVDs, Richard released many health books as well. His first book is Never Say Diet, followed by The Better Body Book, Farewell to Fat, and more. So far, he released more than 10 books with a focus on a healthy diet and exercise.

Richard Simmons net worth is more than $20 million. He is among the most successful fitness trainers. But he is still behind the modern and famous workout trainers.

For example, Tracy Anderson, the pre and post-pregnancy fitness guru, has a net worth of $110 million. Jane Fonda, one of the first fitness instructors, has $120 million on her bank account.

Personal Life

Simmons used his energetic, motivational, and charismatic character to encourage people to work out and lose weight. He is a high-energy guy. His trademark attire is the candy-striped Dolphin shorts and tank tops with Swarovski crystals.

He doesn’t have a lot of friends. He lives in his Beverly Hills home with his three Dalmatians. His sexuality served as a subject of speculation. Yet, he never publicly discussed it.

In September 2005, he got heavily involved in aiding people affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Disappearance and return to public life

Simmons was everywhere in the 1970s and 1980s. Richard was one of the most popular fitness personalities.

Sweatin To The Oldies

But he then disappeared from the public’s eye. His last major public appearance was in early 2014. For the next few years, there were rumors about his whereabouts. Some speculated he got kidnapped and held hostage by his housekeeper. But he shut down those rumors in an interview with the Today Show on March 14, 2016. In September 2016, his popular and original gym in Beverly Hills closed.

In March 2017, the LAPD did a welfare check on the fitness expert. They said he was fine. And in April 2017, he put his first photo after a year away.

Simmons maintains a stance that his disappearance was nothing to talk about. He simply chose to be less publicly visible. After all, he is in his 70s.

Sweatin to the oldies 4

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the fitness expert resurfaced on his YouTube channel. He wanted to help people stay fit at home. But he posted old videos with no new footage. This led to speculation who posted the videos.

“Oh, oh! What do I do now?” This was my thought a week or so ago when the zoom bar on my computer stopped working. As a visually impaired person, I rely on the zoom bar a lot, as it enlarges text and pictures at the touch of a finger. That particular function on my computer has made life easier for me.

But the zoom bar wasn’t working, and I noticed a red light glowing in a corner of the bar. I tried to remember what I had been told to do when that happened. I tried tapping the control key and the zoom bar at the same time. I wracked my brain for some kind of complicated procedure that might correct the malfunction. Try as I might, the zoom bar would not work.

Finally, I e-mailed Cindy, from whom I had purchased the computer, and asked for advice. She immediately e-mailed back: “Tap the bar twice, and the light will go off, and the zoom feature will return.” Was it really that simple? Sure enough! I tapped the zoom bar twice, and I was back in business.

To those of you who are computer geeks, my computer glitch may sound like small potatoes, but for the reason explained above, it was a big deal for me. I’ve learned a lot from my “small potato” crisis, and I thought it might be useful to share my lessons with those trying to make it through Covid-19.

For starters, ever notice how little things have a way of becoming magnified in our brains so that we end up anxiety-ridden and on the verge of panic? We all have our own anxiety triggers that cause us to start breaking out in a sweat.

I call it “sweatin’ to the oldies,” a phrase borrowed from a Richard Simmons exercise video. I refer to anxiety triggers as “oldies” because many of them have been with explorers of the Way for a long time. Here are some of the “oldies” to which I’m referring:

  • Financial issues
  • Health issues
  • Relationship issues
  • Dread of the future
  • Fear of illness
  • Fear of failure
  • Complicated problems that seem unsolvable.

I have a feeling that many an explorer of the Way is sweating it out with an “oldie” or two these days.

The good news is that, as I quickly found out with my zoom bar, the answer to dealing with an “oldie” may often be less complicated than we think. One of the joys of following Jesus Christ, is that He calls us to what Therese de Lisieux called “the little way” of childlike simplicity.

For example, if you ask some people how to be sure you are going to heaven, they’ll give you a complicated answer, such as “You have to work hard at being very, very good and then hope you will make it.” Such complication leads to yet other “oldies”: a feeling of inferiority and a lack of assurance about our eternal destiny.

Although it is important to live an authentic life of faith, Jesus had a very simple answer for the question of how to get to heaven: only cry out to God for His saving mercy in Christ Jesus to be assured of a heavenly home.


The Son of God told a parable about two men who had gone to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, a member of the religious elite of Israel. The other was a tax collector, whose profession was despised by his fellow Jews. The Pharisee prayed in an eloquent manner, reminding God that he was not like other men and had many merits to his credit. On the other hand, the tax collector simply prayed, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (Lk. 18:13).

Jesus summed up the parable by saying, “I tell you that this man (the tax collector), rather than the other, went home justified (given right standing before God)” (Lk. 18:14).

The simple cry for mercy was seen at Golgotha, the place of the skull, where Christ was crucified with two thieves, one on his left, the other on his right. One of the thieves cried out, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Lk. 23:42).

The Lord of glory answered his cry, saying, “I tell you the truth. Today you will be with me in paradise” (Lk. 23:43).

Some explorers of the Way refer to the cry for mercy as the Sinner’s Prayer. Since the earliest centuries of the Church, the prayer has actually been known as the Jesus Prayer and reads, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Isn’t that wonderfully simple?

But what about those nasty “oldies” that keep us up at night or sweating it out all day long? Oh, there’s a simple solution for those too. For example, Jesus asked the question, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (Matt. 6:27). He told us to consider the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, reminding us that God knows exactly what they and we need. “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matt. 6:34).

If anyone had reason to be “sweatin’ to the oldies” of anxiety, fear, or depression, it was the apostle Paul. He was constantly being hounded and persecuted by religious authorities who despised the Christian faith.

Sweatin To The Oldies Streaming

Yet it is this same Paul who gives us a simple and uncomplicated prescription for dealing with anxiety and fear: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6, 7).

This week, I listened to a Facebook talk by a friend and heard him mention the fear he sees in so many people’s faces as he visits Wal Mart or the Sobey’s and Superstore grocery stores. Covid-19 has taken a toll on people, no question about it.

Yet my friend made the point that although the world seems to be shaking right now, the explorer of the Way need not be shaken by what is going on. Respect and healthy common sense, yes, but fear, no. Why is this?

We are given a great answer in the book of Hebrews, where we are told, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe” (Heb. 12:28). Although explorers of the Way live in a world that seems to be shaking right now, they are members of a kingdom that cannot be shaken.

I love how my friend Cecille is handling life in these days of Covid-19. She chooses not to give in to anxiety, frustration, or impatience. Instead, she’s taking things one day at a time. Living a day at a time, moment by moment, that’s the way to go for Cecille and for me. There’s no moment as good as the present one.

I find that tremendously uncomplicated. I don’t need to shake, and I don’t need to sweat. After all, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, who called Himself the Way, and he has everything under control.

Songs On Sweating To The Oldies

All I have to do is stick with Him and trust Him, for the Bible says, “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you” (Ps. 9:9, 10).

Sweatin To The Oldies Dvd

It’s really just that simple, so stop “sweatin’ to the oldies,” and start luxuriating in the peace of God.