Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Fonglee Undertow

  1. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Fonglee Undertow
  2. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Fonglee Undertow
  1. Shadow of the Tomb Raider The Forge Walkthrough Story, Challenge Tomb Fast completed with a neat trick. Shadow of the Tomb Raider The Forge Walkthrough Story, Challenge Tomb Fast completed.
  2. #MLM#MarsLivesMatterShadow of the Tomb Raider The Forge coop mode Wobbly Foot Gamer Solid Legend All Deaths#TombRaider#TheForge#ShadowOfTheTombRaid.

Players can now experience Shadow of the Tomb Raider in a new way. Modder Fong Lee has released a nude mod compilation for Square Enix’s popular action game. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Fonglee Undertow - fasrperformance. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Fonglee Undertow Arma 3 Vr Lineage 2 Private Server Bot Allowed Rainmeter Best Skins 2019 Buffered Vpn Crack Download Artists With Phds: On The New Doctoral Degree In Studio Art Bacaan Surat Ar Rahman Lengkap First Aid For The Pediatrics Clerkship 4th Edition Pdf Free Download.

It’s no secret that a lot of fans wanted to see Lara Croft naked. I still remember back in the first Tomb Raider days the fake screenshots from some fake cheat codes that tricked some gamers into believing that they could remove Lara’s cloths. Ah, those were the days. But anyway, it appears that the first nude mod for Shadow of the Tomb Raider has been released.

And oh boy, I can already imagine the comment section for this story. Why are you sharing this? Does it deserve a separate story? No download link, are you kidding me? Slow News day today? DSOGaming has gone downhill, I’ll never visit you guys again.

But hey, we know that a lot of gamers are interested in this. So without further ado, modder ‘fonglee’ has released various outfits for Shadow of the Tomb Raider that replace the default ones. This mod is similar to the one created by ‘EzioMaverick‘, meaning that it requires the Special K mod in order to work and it replaces the default outfits with new ones.

Right now the only proper nude outfit is the one for the Angel of Darkness model. For the classic Tomb Raider outfit and the other Shadow of the Tomb Raider outfits, the modder has provided see-through textures. So yeah, it took a lot of years but fans of the original Tomb Raider game will get to see Lara’s original triangular boobs.

This mod is still under development so things will get improved with newer versions of it. All you have to do in order to find and download this mod is search for “Shadow of the Tomb Raider fonglee Undertow“

John Papadopoulos

John is the founder and Editor in Chief at DSOGaming. He is a PC gaming fan and highly supports the modding and indie communities. Before creating DSOGaming, John worked on numerous gaming websites. While he is a die-hard PC gamer, his gaming roots can be found on consoles. John loved - and still does - the 16-bit consoles, and considers SNES to be one of the best consoles. Still, the PC platform won him over consoles. That was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D accelerator graphics card, Voodoo 2. John has also written a higher degree thesis on the 'The Evolution of PC graphics cards.' Contact: Email

THE FORGE DLC - Echoes of the Past Side Mission and
Forge of Destiny Challenge Tomb

Weapons/Gear: Umbrage 3-80 Rifle and Umbrage 3-80 Shade variant
Outfits: Brocken and Brocken - Shadow variant
Challenge Tombs: 1 Missions: 1 Relics: 1 Documents: 3 Murals: 2
Annotated Level Map:Kuwaq Yaku Detail

NOTE: None of the collectibles in this DLC count toward 100% completion for Kuwaq Yaku or the main game. The basic outfit and weapon are unlocked as soon as you install the DLC. The Shade/Shadow variants and the Grenadier Skill are unlocked upon completing the Echoes of the Past Side Mission.

Shadow of the tomb raider fonglee undertow

ABOUT THIS DLC: The first major DLC pack for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, titled The Forge, was released November 14, 2018. It is included in the Season Pass but can also be purchased separately from Steam, the Xbox Store, and the PlayStation Store.

The Forge includes a story mission, which takes place in Kuwaq Yaku, as well as a Challenge Tomb that can be played either from within the main game or from the CHALLENGE TOMBS section of the Main Menu. This DLC also introduces co-op play, as well as Score Attack and Time Attack modes, similar to the Expedition modes in Rise of the Tomb Raider. This DLC also includes 5 Achievements/Trophies.

If you just want to explore the tomb or try one of the new Attack modes, you can access these from the main menu. Choose CHALLENGE TOMBS > Additional Tombs > Forge of Destiny. You're then prompted to select either Score Attack (similar to the same mode from Rise of the Tomb Raider), Time Attack (reach the stele as quickly as possible), or Exploration mode. From this screen, you can also invite a friend or random player for a co-op session. You can also explore the Forge of Destiny Challenge Tomb in the course of completing the Echoes of the Past Side Mission within the main game.

Follow this link to skip down to the CHALLENGE TOMB WALKTHROUGH. Check out Treeble's videos for Score Attack and Time Attack runs.

ECHOES OF THE PAST SIDE MISSION:To start the mission, you must have reached (or passed) the part of the main story in which Lara meets Unuratu and is able to freely explore the HIDDEN CITY. (If you haven't yet reached the hidden city, just keep playing. You'll get there soon.) Then use the network of base camps to Fast Travel to the Kuwaq Yaku Base Camp in KUWAQ YAKU. Now look for the Mission Giver icon on your in-game map. (screenshot) Head for the marker and speak to Pilar, the older woman in the pink house on the east side of the village. Like other NPCs involved in missions, she'll glow green in Survival Instinct. (screenshot)

Talk to her about the map she's holding and she'll explain that it was given to her by Abby's grandmother, Mariana, for safekeeping. Mariana wanted her granddaughter to have the map on the first anniversary of her death, which happens to be today.

Lara agrees to help, and you receive Mariana's Map, which is added to The Hidden Past Story in the Artifacts Menu. Your objective is updated, and you can now track the mission on the Side Missions screen in your inventory. THE FORGE > ECHOES OF THE PAST > Meet Abby at Diego's House.

Diego lives in the building near the COMMUNITY GARDENS at the northwest corner of the village. (screenshot) It's marked on your map with a green mission icon. (screenshot) As you head that way, Lara contacts Abby on the walkie talkie to tell her about the map, and they agree to meet at Diego's.

Lara arrives first. She and Diego examine the map, which it turns out he made for Mariana. Abby turns up soon after, and together they reveal some previously hidden information on the map: three X's marking points of interest. Lara and Abby agree to split up and investigate the marked areas, with Lara taking the two points north of the village.

Another Artifact, Marks on the Map, is added to The Hidden Past Story, and these locations are now noted on your in-game map, and your objective is updated: Investigate the X's on the map. (screenshot)

NOTE: If you are returning to this area later in the game, you may also want to go after any collectibles you missed before. There were a few things you couldn't get the first time because you didn't have the right gear or language skill. So check the KUWAK YAKU walkthrough, including the section at the end on revisiting the level, if you need help finding anything. If this is your first time in Kuwaq Yaku, there will be lots to do, so refer to the main walkthrough if necessary.

FINDING THE FIRST 'X': The first 'X' is north-northeast of the village. To get there, exit Diego's place and turn left (north). Head up the steps, then to the right, between the back entrance to the MARKET and the temple to the north.

NOTE: You may want to stop at the MARKET to buy and sell goods before setting out. In any case, be sure to use or sell some hides and black wolf hides to make space in your inventory, since you'll be fighting a pack of wolves shortly.

Follow the muddy road east to the Kuwaq Yaku Ruins Base Camp. Follow the muddy road east to the Kuwaq Yaku Ruins Base Camp. Head up the stairs beyond the camp. At the top is a wide stone landing. The HUNTING GROUNDS are below on the right. To reach the marker, follow the path to the left as it curves around to the northeast. When you come to the pool, look for a circular door on the right. Enter the ruins here. (screenshots)

ANCIENT RUINS - ENTERING THE MAIN CHAMBER: It's possible to swing across the gap to the far ledge, but there's no way to get through the bars there. This is the exit; you'll return this way later. For now, drop down and use your axe to break through the crumbling wall on the left. Follow the tunnel past a pool of lava to a dead-end. Gather some resources here then squeeze through the narrow gap on the right. As Lara moves into the next area, she spots a sarcophagus ahead. Loot the resource container on the right, then step out onto the ledge nearest the sarcophagus. (screenshots)

CLIMBING AROUND TO THE SARCOPHAGUS: You can't reach the central platform with the sarcophagus directly. You'll need to work your way around the edge of the room and approach it from the other side. Start by shooting a rope arrow into the rope coil at the top of the ornate panel suspended from the ceiling. Lara yanks on the rope, rotating the panel to reveal a rough climbing surface on the back. Jump toward the panel and latch on with your axes. Climb up and to the left. Then jump down to the ledge on the left. Pick up some gold ore in the corner near the brazier. (screenshots)

Use a rope arrow to rotate the next ornate panel so the climbable back side faces Lara. Jump over to the climbable panel, climb to the left, then jump down onto the ledge near the left wall. Use a rope arrow to flip the next panel. Scramble up the wall and latch onto the square climbing area. Climb to the right, then jump over to the panel you just flipped. Climb to the left, then jump across the gap to the climbable area on the side of the large, square column. Axe-climb then scramble onto the ledge above. (screenshots)

Move out onto the wooden ledge. Jump across the gap toward the wall, then scramble up to grab the narrow ledge above. Climb around to the right as far as you can. Then jump to the next climbable wall. Climb down as far as possible. Then rappel down, swing back and forth, and jump onto the ledge ahead. (screenshots)

Beyond this ledge are 2 ornate panels set into the walls. Use rope arrows to flip both of them revealing climbable surfaces. Now, either climb along the carved moulding from left to right, let go, and latch onto the climbable panel below, or take a running jump directly across the wide gap and latch onto the nearer of the climbable panels you just revealed. Climb to the right, then jump and latch onto the perpendicular climbing wall and climb onto the ledge above. (You probably won't even need the lower section of climbable wall, but it's there in case Lara slips or misses the upper section. Don't bother trying to rappel down to the floor; it's too far, and you need to reach the crypt above anyway.) (screenshots)

THE SARCOPHAGUS: On the ledge above the climbing wall, turn right and use another rope arrow to pull down the wooden barrier. Before jumping over to the central structure with the crypt, check your weapons and craft arrows and/or special ammo if necessary. You'll soon be dropped into combat with a pack of wolves. Jump across, grab the edge of the central structure, and pull up. Go around to the right side of the coffin to open it. Inside is A Piece of the Chakana (Mam/The Hidden Past). Examine the rough edge more closely to discover it's been broken. Lara deduces this is just one part of a larger object. (screenshots)

WOLF ATTACK: As soon as you exit the Artifacts menu, the floor collapses, and Lara falls into the room below. She immediately goes into a defensive posture, indicating enemies nearby. Now you must defend as 8 wolves emerge, a few at a time, from the tunnels around the edge of the cave. The darkness doesn't help, so you may want to quickly use some perception herbs (press F4 on the keyboard or hold L1/LB on the controller and press Triangle/Y) so you can track the wolves more easily. (screenshots)

Fight them as you have the previous wolf packs you've encountered, using whichever weapon(s) you prefer. Just try to stay away from the edge, since the wolves can push Lara into the lava pool. In addition to running or backing away while shooting, you can evade the wolves' attacks by pressing Drop/Roll (C/Circle/B) when they lunge. If you have unlocked the Puma's Feint skill, dodging will bring up a QTE interface, in which you need to press Melee when prompted in order to kill the wolf by stabbing it with an arrow. (screenshots)

If any of the wolves manage to tackle Lara and pin her down, it triggers a slightly different QTE, in which you must first alternate pressing Left and Right or wiggle the left stick back and forth to hold the wolf at bay. Then wait for the Melee icon to appear and quickly press the button indicated to stab the wolf. If you miss the button prompt, Lara dies, the checkpoint reloads, and you'll need to start the fight again. (screenshots)

Once you've defeated all of the wolves, be sure to loot them for regular hides and special black wolf hides (a.k.a. 'sparkle fur'), which is used in outfit crafting and fetches a good price from merchants. (screenshot)

LEAVING THE RUINS: Now to climb out of the ruins. Start by scaling the climbable wall on the east side of the cavern. Climb up as far as you can, then scramble up the smooth wall and grab the narrow ledge above. Climb around to the right. Then jump/axe climb onto the ledge at the top. Enter the passageway ahead and pick up some cloth and random supplies. Climb the steps on the left cautiously. There's a concealed spike pit just ahead. Jump over it. (screenshot)

As you continue along the passageway, Lara contacts Abby on the walkie-talkie and tells her to look for a stone fragment similar to the one Lara found here. After the conversation, jump over another spike pit to reach the climbing wall above. Climb up as far as you can. Then jump to the next climbable wall on the right. Climb up until Lara is hanging onto the narrow carved ledge. Climb to the right and around the corner. Then scramble up the carved wall onto the ledge above. Move forward and jump across the opening in the floor above where you just were. (screenshot)

On the other side is the little room behind the wooden bars that you glimpsed when you first entered this area. Gather the various resources here and use the jaguar-head handle to open the bars so you can get out. Grapple-swing across to the entrance and interact with the circular stone door to exit the ruins. (screenshots)

NOTE: After leaving the ruins, I experienced a minor bug in which the in-game map indicated an unfound relic nearby. There is no relic here, and the bug seems to occur even if you've already found every relic in Kuwaq Yaku, so you can ignore it. The icon should disappear after a while. (screenshot)

FINDING THE SECOND 'X': The other marker indicated by Mariana's Map is at the eastern end of the HUNTING GROUNDS. To get there from the ruins with the circular door, where you found the first Piece of the Chakana, head to the left (south). Climb the low ledge and the first flight of steps. Then drop down into the area ahead on the left (east). (screenshots)

NOTE: If you've already explored KUWAQ YAKU, you will have been through this area on the way to the HOWLING CAVES CHALLENGE TOMB. If this is your first time here, you may want to explore more thoroughly, since there are many collectibles here. The main walkthrough covers everything.

As you approach the eastern end of the valley, look for a rocky shelf with a small tree growing out of it. It's on the right before you reach the entrance to the Challenge Tomb. Climb onto this shelf from either side. About halfway along, behind a squat palm tree, you'll see the indicator for what appears to be a survival cache. Dig here to unearth More of the Chakana (Mam/The Hidden Past). (screenshots)

RETURN TO THE VILLAGE: When you return to the game after examining the stone fragment, Abby hails Lara on the radio, saying she's found a third stone fragment. Your next goal: Meet Abby at Pilar's house, which is once again marked in green on your map.

When you arrive, Pilar gives both Abby and Lara some unwanted hairstyling advice. Then they all get to work. When the three stone fragments are reassembled and aligned on Mariana's map, they point to a feature that Lara recognizes to be the Maya glyph for 'Truth.' Abby is puzzled by that and insists her family is Inca, not Maya, but she remembers that when she and her grandmother used to sit in that spot, her grandmother would tell her stories about the 'hidden place.' Abby then leaves Lara with the map and goes off on her own.

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Fonglee Undertow

THE HIDDEN PLACE: After the cutscene, two Artifacts are added to your The Hidden Past Story: Abby's fragment of the Chakana, The Final Piece (Mam/The Hidden Past) and Mariana's Location Revealed. Your new objective is to Locate the tomb, and the area is marked on the in-game map. To get there from Pilar's either jump off the docks near the village and swim through the underwater tunnel near monolith #1, or head to the Hunting Grounds Base Camp, either on foot or via Fast Travel. Then follow the stream to the southeast. Both routes are shown in this screenshot.

NOTE: If you take the underwater route, you'll pass right by treasure chest (1/2) on the way. So if you're revisiting this area after obtaining the LOCKPICK, you can open the chest now. Check the main walkthrough for details. The entrance to the SECOND CRYPT is very close to the entrance to Mariana's 'Hidden Place.' You'll need a shotgun to get through the barrier, but if you've completed the CENOTE level, you will have one by now. Again, the main walkthrough has more info.

CHALLENGE TOMB ENTRANCE: The entrance to the tomb is at the south end of the little valley to the northeast of the village, just to the right of the SECOND CRYPT entrance. Squeeze through the narrow opening to enter the new area. (screenshot)

NOTE: You can also play the tomb from the CHALLENGE TOMBS section of the main menu. This is where you access co-op play, Score Attack, and Time Attack modes. See the intro for more info. The walkthrough below applies to the single-player Exploration mode, although there are no documents and relics in Exploration.


SCORE & TIME ATTACK: If you're playing this tomb from the Challenge Tombs section of the main menu and need tips for the various Attack modes, check out these videos from Treeble: Score Attack | Time Attack.

If you're playing the Echoes of the Past Side Mission, your goal will be updated when you enter the valley: Solve the secrets of the Hidden Place.

CANYON LEADING TO THE TOMB: As you approach the edge of the canyon, you'll see paths leading forward along both sides. You can choose either one since both lead to the same place. If you need arrows, take the path to the left and grab some along the way. As you near the blocked gate, there's also a resource container sitting on the ground, and another container plus 2 bundles of arrows to the right of the gate. (screenshots)

Use the resources you found to craft fire arrows if you don't already have some in your inventory. Select the bow (keyboard 1 or D-Pad Up). If you've unlocked more than one type of special arrows, press the same button again if necessary to select fire arrows. Then without aiming, hold the Alternate Fire button (Middle Mouse/R1/RB). Lara then combines a regular arrow, cloth, and fat from inventory to make a fire arrow. Push the jaguar-head handle to turn on a jet of flammable gas. Stand well back and then shoot a fire arrow into the gas cloud. (Hold Aim then hold and release Alt Fire [Middle Mouse/R1/RB].) This causes a huge explosion that destroys the blockage so you can proceed. (screenshots)

Beyond the gate, loot another resource canister on the left. Then climb onto the low ramp on the right and jump to grab the elaborate wooden counterweight. As Lara's weight pulls the mechanism down, it raises a bridge across the canyon. This only stays in place for a little while, though, so drop down and run across before the bridge collapses. Loot another resource container here. Move to the top of the ramp on the left and jump to grab another counterweight. This raises another wooden bridge—or part of one anyway. Drop down and before the bridge collapses, run to the end and jump into the doorway. (screenshots)

HUGE CAVERN WITH LAVA POOLS AND GAS JETS: Just inside the cavern, pick up some arrows on the right. Then follow the path around to the wooden ramp on the far right, where you'll find more supplies and arrows. Shoot a fire arrow into the flammable gas billowing from the carved serpent head on the other side of the canyon. The blast swings the huge, stone pendulum toward you. Jump from the wooden ramp to grab the pendulum as it approaches. Ride it across the canyon and jump down onto the ledge behind the serpent's head. Pick up more resources and arrows on the left. Then head to the right (east) to find a mural(1/1), Ancient Forge (Mam/The Hidden Past), another resource container and more arrows. (If you can't pick up everything, try crafting more fire arrows to make space for the components in your inventory.) (screenshots)

NOTE: If you're playing the tomb as a stand-alone challenge, and not playing the story mission, you can ignore all of the references to documents, murals, etc. If you are playing the mission, at several points, Lara talks to Abby by walkie-talkie. Most of this is not crucial information, so I won't cover every exchange.

To cross the next gap, move up the wooden ramp to the southeast to face the next stone pendulum. You're actually headed for the climbable wall behind the pendulum, not the pendulum itself. Shoot a fire arrow at the gas jet to the right of the pendulum. The explosion propels the pendulum to the right. Before it can swing back, jump from the end of the wooden ramp toward the climbing wall and press Interact to throw the grapple. Climb the rope until you can latch onto the rock. Then continue climbing onto the ledge above. (screenshots)

Follow the path to the end of the next wooden ramp, picking up more arrows and crafting resources on the way. The next pendulum is way off to the left. Shoot a fire arrow into the gas jet behind it to blast it toward you. Jump from the ramp to grab the pendulum. As it swings back to the left, climb then lean to the left so you're ready to jump down when it reaches the other side. If you hesitate and the pendulum swings back, there's no safe way down. You'll need to drop into the lava, reload, and try again. (screenshots)

Ignore the jaguar-head switch on this side of the canyon. It activates the gas jet below, which you don't need. Loot the resource container nearby then head to the right (east). Jump onto the counterweight to raise another bridge, this time made of carved stone. Drop down and run across before the bridge collapses. (screenshots)

CAVERN WITH LAVA FALLS AND TOWER: As Lara enters the next cave, she observes the tall tower with helices of wood spiraling up its sides and notes that it's going to be quite a climb. Follow the path toward the tower, picking up more arrows and supplies ahead on the right. Jump from the wooden ramp onto the ornate ledge running around the base of the tower. (screenshots)

RAISING THE LEDGES TO THE SECOND LEVEL: Before entering the tower, note the the golden serpent's head on the right with the natural gas jetting out of it. Inside the tower there's another resource container and more arrows on the left and a counterweight on the right. Jump onto it. Pulling down the counterweight raises a ledge on the outside of the tower, but it only remains in place briefly. So drop down, run out through the doorway on the right, turn left, and quickly shoot a fire arrow into the gas jet. When the gas ignites it hits the basketlike scoop on the ledge you just raised, spinning the entire ledge and raising it along the helical track. Just stay where you are as the ledge rises. Then, when it reaches its highest point, jump into the doorway to the left of the falling lava. Without anything to hold it in place, the ledge surrounding the tower sinks back to its original position. Inside the doorway, on the right, are more supplies and a relic (1/1), a Porvenir Hardhat (The Hidden Past). (screenshots)

After examining the relic, head back to the northeast. Just beyond the doorway near the falling lava, there are more supplies for making fire arrows and a jaguar-head handle. Use the handle to activate the nearby gas jet. This one cycles on and off, but it will still be useful. Move to the top of the ramp to the right of the handle to find a document (1/3), Porvenir Field Report (The Hidden Past). (screenshots)

Return down the ramp to the doorway near the falling lava, jump down onto the ledge surrounding the tower, move around to the right, and re-enter the room in the center of the tower. Jump onto the counterweight again to raise the ledge outside. Then drop down, run out the doorway on the right, turn left, and quickly shoot a fire arrow into the gas jet, just like you did before. The blast rotates and raises the ledge with Lara standing on it. Again, just stay where you are as the ledge rises. This time, instead of jumping into the doorway, wait for the gas jet you just activated to start venting and shoot another fire arrow into the gas cloud. (Don't wait too long or the ledge will sink again and you'll need to repeat the sequence.) This propels the ledge up and around to the SECOND LEVEL, where it locks into place. (screenshots)

RAISING THE LEDGES TO THE THIRD LEVEL: Once you've raised the ledges surrounding the tower to the SECOND LEVEL, as shown in the previous section, enter the room in the center of the tower. Pick up more supplies on the left. Then jump onto the counterweight on the right. This raises one of the ledges on the outside of the tower. Drop down and run through the doorway on the left. Turn right and shoot the gas jet with a fire arrow. The explosion propels the ledges up and around counterclockwise. As the ledges rise, turn around and run along the exterior ledges to the other side of the tower. Jump into the doorway on the northeast side of the cavern before the ledges collapse. (screenshots)

Climb up to the wooden ramp just inside the doorway on the left. Jump from the end of the ramp to grab the carved stone wall ahead. Climb to the left a little, pull up onto the ledge, and then scramble up the rock wall onto the ledge above. Here you'll find another resource canister. You can also glimpse a mural through the opening above, but you can't reach it from here. You'll come at it from the other side later. For now, jump back down onto the wooden ramp near the doorway. Pick up more supplies on the left, near the jaguar-head switch, and continue past the switch and up the stairs to find a document (2/3), Mariana's Confession (The Hidden Past). (screenshots)

Return down the stairs to the jaguar-head switch and use it to turn on the gas jet near it. Move into the doorway to the left of the switch and the gas jet, jump back down onto the ledges surrounding the tower, and re-enter the center room. (screenshots)

Now to raise the ledges to the THIRD LEVEL permanently. Start by jumping onto the counterweight again to raise a ledge outside. Drop down and run through the doorway on the left. Turn right and shoot the gas jet with a fire arrow, just as you did before. The explosion propels the ledges up and around counterclockwise. As the ledges move, turn around and run forward onto the next ledge. This time don't jump into the doorway. Instead, wait for the gas jet to the left of the doorway to cycle on and shoot a fire arrow into the gas cloud. The explosion rotates and raises the ledges up to the THIRD LEVEL, where it once again locks into place. You can't linger here though. The ledge ahead collapses, and soon after the ledge Lara is standing on also collapses. So turn around and run back the way you came. The ledge in front of the doorway is safe, and there's a checkpoint here. (screenshots)

FROM THE THIRD LEVEL TO THE FOURTH: When you're ready to move on, enter the room in the middle of the tower. Pick up some supplies on the left. Then note the 3 counterweights on the right. Each of these raises one of the ledges on the outside of the tower. You'll only need to use two of them, though. Start by jumping onto the right counterweight. As Lara sinks, the ledge outside rises. Let go and quickly run and jump onto the middle counterweight. The ledge between the tower and the doorway begins to rise. Don't wait. As soon as the counterweight reaches its lowest position, drop down, run out the door on the right, and turn left. Run around the tower as the first ledge begins to collapse and quickly jump down into the doorway before the second ledge drops out from beneath you. (screenshots)

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Fonglee Undertow

NOTE: If you prefer, you can raise the left and middle ledges and run around to the left to reach the doorway, whichever works better for you.

BUG NOTE: I encountered a glitch here, in which Lara would not jump to grab the counterweights. Reloading the checkpoint fixed it.

Once you reach the doorway, follow the path up to the left. Use the jaguar-head switch to activate another gas jet. Pick up more arrows and supplies then move out onto the wooden ledge to the south. (screenshots)

Now you're headed for the sunny ledge off to the south. There's a dangling pendulum to help you get there. Shoot a fire arrow into the gas jet below the pendulum to blast it toward you. Turn left and jump onto the pendulum as it approaches. Ride it back to the right and jump down onto the sunny ledge, where you'll find a document (3/3), Mariana's Journal (Mam/The Hidden Past), sitting out in the open. (screenshots)

Follow the path to the left (north). At the top is another jaguar-head switch. Use it to turn on the last gas jet. Then turn around to spot more supplies and a mural (2/2), Exodus of Hope (Mam), about Abby's ancestors' flight from Mexico to Peru. If you've found the other collectibles, this mural completes The Hidden Past Story. (screenshots)

NOTE: The stairs leading down from the landing with the mural take you back to the lower levels. Unless you missed something, you don't need to go back, but if you do drop down through this opening, you won't be able to climb back up the same way. Instead, you'll need to swing over to the ledges surrounding the tower. (screenshots) Use the counterweights to raise the ledges and reach the doorway on the northeast side of the cavern, just like you did before. Then retrace your route back to the area with the last jaguar-head switch and mural.

After examining the mural, continue to the right (north), to another wooden ledge overlooking the tower. You're nearly at the top. Now you need to raise the ledges so you can reach them from here. Shoot a fire arrow into the gas jet below on the left. This rotates and raises the ledges along the curved tracks but only partway. As the ledges spin, aim for the gas jet to the right of the tower, and when the ledge with the scoop on it moves in front of the jet, and the gas cycles on, shoot another fire arrow at it. This second blast rotates and raises the ledges to the FOURTH LEVEL, where they again lock into place. (screenshots)

FINAL CLIMB TO THE TOP: Use the horizontal bar to swing over to the nearest ledge on the tower. You're now headed for the sunny ledge above the carved head on the left (southeast) side of the cavern. You can't reach it directly, so follow the ledges around to the other side of the tower, where you can once again enter a small room in the center. Pick up a few supplies and use them to craft more fire arrows if you need them. Jump onto the counterweight to raise a ledge with a scoop outside the tower. Let go and run outside through the doorway on the right. Immediately turn left and shoot a fire arrow into the gas jet. The explosion propels the ledge around and upward again. Turn around so the tower is on Lara's right. Run along the ledges and jump onto the jutting ledge above the giant statue.

We made it, Dad! Lara discovers a gilded sarcophagus belonging to an important person. As Lara tells Abby about her find over the radio, climb the steps on either side of the coffin. Examine the tomb stele to unlock the Grenadier Skill, which allows you craft grenades and launch them using any rifle. After examining the stele, the tomb is complete, and you unlock the Destiny's Trialed Achievement/Trophy.

BACK TO THE VILLAGE: If you're playing the Echoes of the Past Side Mission, you're automatically returned to the tomb entrance in KUWAQ YAKU. You'll need to Return to Pilar's House in order to complete the mission.You've already been to Pilar's a few times, but her house is marked on your map in case you get disoriented.

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Fonglee Undertow

If you want to try out the grenade launcher, you can do that before returning to the village, but you may want to save the game first. Then you can reload after you're done playing and not waste any resources. Crafting grenades works just like making fire arrows. Equip the rifle (keyboard 3 or D-Pad Right). Then without aiming, hold the Alternate Fire button (Middle Mouse/R1/RB). Lara combines black powder, salvage, and fat from inventory to make a grenade. To use it, aim with the rifle and press Alt Fire (Middle Mouse/R1/RB). (screenshots)

When Lara arrives at Pilar's, Abby is not far behind. Lara describes what she found, but Pilar already knows about the tomb, the final resting place of Abby's ancestor, Queen Aberrane. She explains that the queen was the first Guardian of Kuwaq Yaku and that she constructed a powerful artifact which has long since been lost. Even without the artifact itself, Aberrane's legacy has endured, and the guardianship has been passed down through the generations, all the way down to Abby. The younger woman is at first reluctant to accept all of this, but with a little help she realizes she's been acting as the village guardian all along.

As Lara departs you gain a few rewards for completing the mission: the UMBRAGE 3-80 SHADE rifle and the Brocken - Shade Outfit. If this is your first time playing the mission, you'll also unlock the Heir Born Achievement/Trophy. To unlock the Bleeding Edge Achievement/Trophy, go to any Base Camp and equip this weapon and outfit combination.

The other Achievements/Trophies for this DLC, Echoes of the Fast and Echoes of the Furious, require you to earn a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Time Attack or Score Attack mode, respectively. To do this, select CHALLENGE TOMBS from the Main Menu. Then choose Forge of Destiny from the list. Select Score Attack or Time Attack on the next screen and proceed. Again, check out Treeble's videos for Score Attack and Time Attack tips.